

  • Null Hypothesis (H_0): The average customer watches 48 hours or less of a sport channel per month. Mathematically, this is expressed as \mu \leq 48.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H_1): The average customer watches more than 48 hours of a sport channel per month. This is expressed as \mu > 48.

Test Statistic

We use the formula for the z-test statistic for a sample mean:

    \[z = \frac{\bar{x} - \mu_0}{\sigma/\sqrt{n}}\]


  • \bar{x} is the sample mean, 49.6 hours.
  • \mu_0 is the hypothesized population mean, 48 hours.
  • \sigma is the population standard deviation, 9 hours.
  • n is the sample size, 48.

Calculating the z-value:

    \[z = \frac{49.6 - 48}{9/\sqrt{48}} \approx \frac{1.6}{1.3} \approx 1.23\]

Rejection Region

For a significance level \alpha of 1%, and since this is a right-tailed test (due to H_1: \mu > 48), we find the critical z-value from z-tables or a standard normal distribution table.

The critical z-value for \alpha = 0.01 is approximately 2.33 (since we are looking at the area to the right of the curve).


We compare the calculated z-value with the critical z-value:

  • Calculated z-value: 1.23
  • Critical z-value: 2.33

Since 1.23 < 2.33, we do not reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, at the 1% significance level, we do not have sufficient evidence to conclude that the average customer watches more than 48 hours of a sport channel per month. The claim by the Advance cable network that the average customer watches 48 hours or less per month stands.